Golf Tournament
Registration link
Please be sure to pay the registration donation under the STORE tab after registering.
* Registration questions or issues please call (518) 625-1899 or email
Saturday, August 9th
Chestnut Hill Golf Course - 1330 Broadway, Darien Center 14040
Join us for our third annual NYLEAP Golf Tournament to benefit First responders.
Donations are tax-deductible. 100% of proceeds go toward services.
Tournament Details
7:00 am – Registration begins
8:00 am – Shotgun Start
Lunch at the turn
followed by Steak Dinner, Awards, & Raffles
4-Person scramble format
Cocktail hour (cash bar) before dinner
Registration = $125 per Golfer / $500 per Foursome
*includes lunch at the turn and steak dinner reception
Golfer's Foursome Game Package - $25
One mulligan per Foursome
Entry in the Golf Skill contests:
Closest to pin on each par 3
Men's Longest Drive
Women's Longest Drive
50/50 Club – $10
Must be present to win
Silver-level Sponsorship + NYLEAP Pullover Jackets (x4), Gold-level Promotional Recognition/Advertisement, VIP signage at Registration Table. NYLEAP website recognition for remainder of 2024 Calendar year. VIP seating & speaking opportunity at Reception/Dinner (5-minutes). Gold Sponsor Donor Plaque presented at Reception/Dinner.
1 Golf Foursome, Golf Cart, Lunch, Dinner, Banners, Hole Sponsorship tee sign, NYLEAP shirts (x4), Silver-level Promotional Recognition/Advertisement.
Sponsor a hole for the day of the tournament with your organization's name and color logo on one (1) tee sign.
Dinner only Golf Tournament options available under our “STORE” tab - $50